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Slivers and Snippets: Dirty Laundry

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Dirty Laundry

Yesterday I decided to paint the laundry room. I've been planning to do it for some time now - the laundry room is right off the front entry way, and we usually just keep the door closed. Not that is was hideous looking at all, it's just a small white room with one shelf, the dryer and the washer*.

Last year I painted the entry way a lovely color called Desert Something-Or-Other, which was the middle choice on a color palate of three. I decided I would paint the laundry the dark choice on that palate, Mesa Tumbleweed. (It's dark tan, people.) I intend to paint the living room Desert Something-Or-Other once it gets too hot for me to keep working in the yard and I am trapped inside all day. Which should be Saturday. (Did you guys hear it's supposed to be 100 degrees all weekend? Freaking Texas.)

So, yesterday afternoon I went to a movie, 'cause I'm thinking, "Hey, it's a small room, two coats of paint, easy-peasy, I totally have time to watch Jennifer and Vince break up." After the movie I went down the street to Lowe's and spent some time looking around, walking off my popcorn AND nachos. I love that store. It makes me want to tear up all kinds of stuff in our house.

I was so confident that it would be an easy painting job that I even bought some fancy decorative shelves to hang in there after the paint dries. We already have a fancy-schmancy light fixture, so I was good there**. I bought my shelves, paint, rollers, and even remember to buy hollow wall screw thingies for the shelves. Feeling rather proud of myself, I went home.

I cleared out all the crap out of the room, moved the washer and dryer into the hallway, and then all hell broke loose.

I would like to show you some before pictures of my laundry room. However, the only shots I have are of the time that Bert rejected the detergent. The big thing of laundry detergent somehow slid off the shelf, bounced off the washer, and landed upright (thank goodness) on the floor. Made quite a mess***. So, I will show you these pictures, just so you can see the basic-ness of the room, and how painting it should be SUCH AN EASY JOB.

Okay, for some reason I it's not adding the pictures to this post. I will try to get them in a new post.

*WAsher not WRAsher.

**There was a plastic white round cover fixture up there when Mark moved in, but Bert hated it. (Bert is the name of our house. Try to keep up.) Bert would literally throw it on the ground every time Mark screwed it in. Bert is not haunted, he was just rejecting the ugly light fixture. Much in the same way your body might reject a greasy burger or a bucket of beans. So we put a fancy fixture in when we replaced the fixtures in the hallway.

***I promise, Bert's not haunted. Or if he is, the spirits are somehow confined to the laundry room. And if they are in there, I wish they would learn to fold towels.


At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck, Junior Bobo! Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! =)



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