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Slivers and Snippets: We Were Eating Hot Dogs At Costco. That's How We Roll.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

We Were Eating Hot Dogs At Costco. That's How We Roll.

"So, we could build a device similar to the thing that holds someone's harmonica up, and it would hold your hamburger, and then you could eat and sign at the same time and you would never have to stop talking."

"Brilliant. Let's do it."

"Hmmmm... It would have to have some sort of blow-by..."

"A what?"

"A blow-by."

"Is that some kind of fancy engineering term?"

"No, it's an automotive term."

"Like a MECHANICAL engineering term?"

"No. Look, it means blah blah blah blah blah..."

"Do I need to start making biology jokes?"

"No. But seriously, what was that kind of mold you were talking about?"

"DUDE. It was a joke. There is no characterized mold. Let it go."


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