Chelsie got a new dog! And also, this post includes the best thing that has happened to me since Mark proposed!
So, my very good friend Chelsie got a Great Dane. I LOVE GREAT DANES. We had two while I was growing up, and quite frankly, any other dog just seems wussy in comparison. Except maybe Dobermans, but that is only because our second dog was 1/2 Great Dane, 1/2 Doberman. Man, that was a pretty dog. Here is Chelsie's dog, Winston:
Sorry about the crappiness of that picture, but I took it on my phone. And my phone is CRAP; that is why it is named Andy. (I always am making jokes just for Chrissy, I don't get it!) But, that is one of the cutest dogs EVER, you will just have to take my word for it. Well, actually, considering I have a reader-ship of TWO (excluding my parents) and you both know Chelsie, you can probably just go meet Winston yourselves.
Anyway, here's the good news... We are getting a Great Dane puppy too!!!! Chelsie found one that is perfect for us when she went to pick hers up, and, god willing and the creek don't rise*, we will be going to pick her up on Saturday! Good timing for Mark, as my birthday is Monday and now he won't have to get me anything. Ours will be a Harlequin Great Dane, and we will go get her this weekend. SO EXCITED! I can't believe Mark said okay to getting this puppy. I thought FOR SURE he would say no. I can hardly believe it, surely something will go wrong and we won't get her. It's too good to be true, you know?
*I love me some southern phrases. Just wait till I use "rode hard and put up wet."
We will have the most fun ever with our Great Dane pups. They'll be so happy to be back together again!
They will be in love! And Winston won't care anymore that Riley ignores him!
Winston could just eat Riley...
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