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Slivers and Snippets: In the afterglow of the controversy*, I ask the tough questions

Sunday, April 09, 2006

In the afterglow of the controversy*, I ask the tough questions

"I NEED TO KNOW. Tell me the truth. Do you like my hair longer or shorter?"

"I like it all the ways! Your hair, it's like the moon. I like all it's cycles. First it's short, then it grows long, then it's short again... I like all the lunar... No, FOLLICLE cycles."

*For those of you not obsessed with K's blog like I am, said controversy can be found here.


At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your marriage consist of one scientific quip after another??!!

At 2:59 PM, Blogger JR said...


Sometimes there are math jokes, too.

Obviously not from me.

I make all the tv related jokes.


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