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Slivers and Snippets: If you just asked me instead of ignoring me... I could tell you...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

If you just asked me instead of ignoring me... I could tell you...

Me: And we serve that with our green chili cheese grits...

Customers begin to ignore me, in typical customer style.*

Customer 1: What are grits, anyway?

Customer 2: I don't know.

C 1: What are they made from?

C 2: Hominy.

C 1: I love how you southerners always say "hominy," like any of you have any f--king idea what hominy is.

C 2: Why did you ask then?

*It was a long night. I'm feeling bitter. Pardon my generalization.


At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hominy is dried corn soaked in limewater. Grits are made from dried pulverized hominy. Both are ways of long term storage of corn. The most popular historically, however, has been whiskey.

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh... I'm sorry J.R. Were you there? I didn't see you. I was talking with your customers.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger JR said...

Oh you two...


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