"I want to deposit this in my husband's checking account. I don't know his account number but we also have a joint account here, you can probably find it through that, right?"
"You have an account?"
"Yes. We have a joint checking. But I want this to go just in HIS account."
"What's your social security number?"
"{insert SSN here}"
"Okay, here's the account you are linked to. How much do you want to put in?"
"$$$ - but I want to put it in HIS solo account."
"What's his account number?"
"I don't know. But isn't it listed with our joint account?"
"Yes. But I can't give out that information."
"I don't want information. I want to put money in it."
"But I can't give out any information about his account."
"You can't just PUT MONEY IN IT?"
"No, I can't give out other people's account information."
That is the point when my head exploded.
I was just trying to give the man some money. GIVE IT TO HIM. Why is this a problem? I don't understand why someone can't go into a bank and put money into anyone's account that they want. I don't need any information! The dude farts in the same bed as me, trust me, I have enough freaking information.
*I tried really hard not to use multiple exclamation points in this post, but I just can't help myself.