Bounty really does clean up our spills
JR: Sammie, if you stopped eating paper towels, maybe your butt wouldn't be so clogged!
Mark: Yeah, but at least she's self-wiping.
Sometimes, I go face down.
JR: Sammie, if you stopped eating paper towels, maybe your butt wouldn't be so clogged!
"You can look at my butt cheeks, just not my butt crack!"
Many of the people who read this blog have attended Mark & JayAre's Super Awesome Superbowl Blowout.* Therefore, most of you know about the tackiness. But for those of you that don't, or may not have noticed, let me explain...
Next, we have the Live Nudes Neon Sign That We Got At The Company Christmas Party***. I love White Elephant gift exchanges. I came home with a case of beer and Mark came home with this:
Thirdly, we have the obligatory Roseanne Barr Style Dogs Playing Poker Poster. This hangs right over Mark's computer:
So, here's the best part. When we were in Fredericksburg, we were walking down the street, possibly drinking some beer, when Mark stopped in front of a store and said, "Look at that."
It was a giant frog statue. Wearing a chef apron that says "Kiss the Cook" and a chef hat that has a giant kiss print on the top. Seriously.
So, we walk up to the statue and are marveling at it. First of all, it's tacky. Secondly, I collect frogs. It's listed as being $125, but it's on clearance for $40. Just as I am explaining to Mark that "this is the tackiest thing I've ever seen" the owner of the shop walks out. He says, "I'll sell you that tacky frog for $25."
I look at Mark, he looks at me, we look at the frog, Sammie barks, and Mark pulls out his wallet.
Now, the frog will eventually end up in the tacky room. But for now, we love it too much to banish it that far away. So it is living in the kitchen.
Please note the oregano that is actually growing. I will be accepting compliments on Monday between 3 and 4 pm.
Anyway, here's the part we need help with: naming the frog. I name EVERYTHING. No, really, everything. Ask me the name of any of my belongings, cars, the house, whatever, I promise you I have named it.
So far, we have come up with Chef Toad English, Chef Bobby Frog, and Chef Toadimoto. We are leaning towards Chef Toad English, but are welcoming any and all suggestions.
Also, we have absolutely NO IDEA what the holes are for - there's one in his left hand that I think is for a flag pole- it came with a rolled up Confederate flag shoved in there, but I threw that away. There's another hole in his left hand that is too big for a flag, and two in his apron. All the holes are too small for beer, bottled or canned, we already tried. Our only other thought is maybe for Herb (cause there's a fucking H in it) growing. Any ideas on that?
*Seriously, it's SUPER AWESOME. And you know what would make it even more awesome? Awesome-er, if you will? IF THE FREAKING COLTS WOULD GO TO THE DAMN SUPERBOWL. Geez.
**With the exception of Mark's Gigantic Television. Because he likes to watch Keith Olberman larger than life... Mark is reading over my shoulder and says that his TV is not tacky. I responded with, "But it's not perfectly nice." He is now pointing out that it is perfectly nice, unless of course I want him to get the 72 inch TV. Because he feels that would of course be less tacky than the 65 inch. Of course. Anyway.
(Thank you to Mark, for acting as my hand model in the first two pictures.)
Barb: So, I went to a baby shower a while back, and it turns out it was all a big lie.
If any of you haven't checked out the website names that Jack and Amy have made up for all of their comments on my posts, you totally should. That is some damn funny shit.
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
It's been a very trying month for me. Having a new puppy means that nothing you care remotely about can be left laying around anymore. And people, I am ALL ABOUT leaving things laying around. But, like Mark told me, it doesn't matter if it's a sock you don't care about, the puppy doesn't know the difference between that one and a sock you DO care about. His point was later proven when I had to pull one of my favorite Oscar the Grouch socks from her mouth. Actually, it was about half way down her throat. It may have been easier to pull from the other side.
So my point is, after all that digression, this last month has been rough. Trying to keep all the clothes picked up has stressed me (an Bubbas) out. But I had the hope, the light at the end of the puppy tunnel, the knowledge that one day, one day soon, Sammie would stop chewing on other people's belongings. And then I could once again leave my clothes around.
And this is still true. But now we have a bigger problem.
NOW... I have to start doing dishes the minute I finish eating off them, instead of leaving them on the counter. Unless I want them cleaned by puppy tongue. Because I just HAD TO HAVE a Great Dane.
*I took this picture right after I moved in, that's why there's a dresser in the entry way. I'm not THAT bad about getting undressed immediately. But it should be noted, the black and white on the left of the photo is my work uniform. Which means it was removed that day just inside the room.
So, I worked in the yard all day. MUCHO MUCHO working happened. One bush, one dead tree and one very ugly plant/yucca/palm tree type thing* (that was hateful and housed scary weird bugs) were all dug up. Weeds were pulled. Holes were filled. Flowers were planted around trees and bushes (ok, one tree and one bush). I attempted to dig out an extra fence post (one of many**) but my arms gave out after 40 minutes of digging around the concrete. There are people that might read this that will think, "So? I work in my yard all the time." Well, I DO NOT. This is a very big deal.
Granted, I have a Nicole Kidman***/Irish skin tone, so I lobsterize**** very easily and quickly. But still.
*I intend to look up the ugly hateful plant on the internet. Don't worry, I know that thousands of people are riveted by my stories, so I will report back any findings.
**Who builds fences in the middle of the yard? The guy that owned the house before Mark, that's who. He lives a few houses down from us now. I've half a mind to go down there and tell that man a thing or two.
***I'm laughing as I write this. Her complexion on three of her bodies. And not so much a beautiful milky white as a freckle-y blinding white.
Have any of you ever played the board game Battle of the Sexes? It's really fun. Mark and I like to bust it out when we are hanging out with either of our families. There's very little in it that isn't family appropriate (although with mine, it's not so much a concern) and it manages to make everyone look alternatingly brilliant and idiotic. Which is always important when dealing with family.
*For those of you that don't know, my brother doesn't drink. Ever. Despite much pressure from his family to do so, because, let's face it, alcohol makes you cool.
**Love you,man!
You will look at this picture of the Amazing Sammie of Poopville, and you will think that there couldn't possibly be anything cuter in the world.
Brother: Alright, you drunken bastards.
Barb: "So, I've been cleaning out my closets, getting rid of all my old stuff. I'm a packrat."
Me: And we serve that with our green chili cheese grits...